Back in 2011, Will and Jada Smith announced their production company would be doing the remake of the Broadway show “Annie” with music by Jay-Z, and most important of all, starring their daughter Willow, who was VERY excited about playing the role. They had some trouble settling on a director and the project was postponed several times. Now the movie has come together and Sony hired someone named Will Gluck to direct,but Willow is OUT as Annie. The reason: she simply GREW too much! When Willow had the part she was only nine. Now 11, she’s grown into a very tall girl and can no longer play a child. Ironically, Lilla Crawford, who currently plays “Annie” on Broadway is also 11, but far more petite than Willow. Since she’s too big to play a child, Willow will have to audition for teen roles now. (Above, Willow and her brother Jaden)